Making changes is possible and I feel privileged to be part of my clients’ journeys and I hope I can be a positive part of your journey too.

If you’d like to discuss your counselling needs just give me a call or text me and we can discuss any questions you may have. My number is below or use the Contact Me button.

I work in an integrative way.

You will be heard in confidence, without judgement and with you and your needs at the heart of our time together.

What I offer

How it works

Remember, making changes is possible.

First Steps

Making the step to seek therapy can feel daunting and scary. Yet most of us have encountered times when we have needed help or have longed to be truly heard and understood.


If you’ve never experienced therapy before, it can be difficult to believe that ‘just talking’ to someone can be helpful. I believe that the strength of the relationship between the two people involved in therapy is the reason why ‘just talking’ can make such a profound change to your life.

Your Needs

Sometimes some support and a listening ear, can help us to accept, understand and love ourselves, and to be as comfortable as we can be with our circumstances, developing inner strength, resources and resilience to cope when life is challenging.

Gentle & Human

If you’re thinking of counselling, whether this is your first time in therapy, or a return after a break, I can provide a gentle, human experience of one-to-one counselling..

Your Needs

You may feel that you want to call me first and briefly talk about what’s on your mind so that we can find a way to work together. I would welcome that and give you the opportunity to get the feel for if counselling is right for you.

You at the Centre

If you decide to make an appointment, we can then discuss what your needs may be going forward.

You can contact me by calling or texting me on 07771 675150 email me on

If I am unable to respond immediately, I will try to do so within 24 hours.

Benefits for You.

  • Improve your self care and understanding.
  • Improve and help with relationships.
  • Improve unhelpful patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
  • Learn more about your thoughts and feelings improve your self-worth,